Cygnus-X Survey

Cygnus-X is one of the most active high-mass star formation regions in the Milky Way Galaxy1. The region consists of two giant molecular clouds which harbor >50 high-mass stars, tens of HII regions and recent star formation signatures. Its short distance (~1.4 kpc from our solar system2) enable us to study in detail that star formation processes in the interstellar medium and effects of stellar feedback toward surrounding molecular materials. We use recently developed instruments based on ALMA technology (e.g., heterodyne camera FOREST3) and OPU 1.85m mm-submm telescope4 to survey molecular lines toward the entire region of the Cygnus-X.

  1. Reipurth, B., & Schneider, N. 2008, Handbook of Star Forming Regions, Volume I, 4, 36, ads
  2. Rygl, K. L. J., Brunthaler, A., Sanna, A., et al. 2012, A&A, 539, A79, ads
  3. Minamidani, T., Nishimura, A., Miyamoto, Y., et al. 2016, Proceedings of the SPIE, 9914, 99141Z, ads
  4. Onishi, T., Nishimura, A., Ota, Y., et al. 2013, PASJ, 65, 78, ads


  • (PI) Atsushi Nishimura 西村淳 (NRO/NAOJ -> Osaka Prefecture University), mailto:
  • Mitsuyoshi Yamagishi 山岸光義 (ISAS/JAXA)
  • Mitsuhiro Matsuo 松尾光洋 (NRO/NAOJ -> Graduated)
  • Shinji Fujita 藤田真司 (Nagoya University)
  • Kotomi Taniguchi 谷口琴美 (SOKENDAI -> Gakushuin University)
  • Tatsuya Takekoshi 竹腰達哉 (University of Tokyo)
  • Tetsuhiro Minamidani 南谷哲宏 (NAOJ)
  • Kazuki Tokuda 徳田一起 (NAOJ, Osaka Prefecture University)


Telescope Period Line Map size Spatial Res. Freq. Res. Noise level
NRO 45m
Internal Time
PI: A. Nishimura
2016/1/13-5/8 12CO(1-0)
9 deg2 23''
~0.15 pc
30.52 kHz
~0.08 km/s
0.5 K
dv: 0.5 km/s
NRO 45m
Open Use
PI: M. Yamagishi
2016-2019 season C18O(1-0)
~0.15 pc
30.52 kHz
~0.08 km/s
OPU 1.85m 12CO(2-1)


Reduced FITS files will be released after publishment of the corresponging science paper. See following links for more detail information.

NRO 45m - internal time observation 2015

NRO 45m - open use observation 2016

in preparation...

OPU 1.85m

in preparation...


Refereed journal
  1. "Nobeyama 45m Cygnus-X CO survey I: photodissociation of molecules revealed by the unbiased large-scale CN and C18O maps"
    Yamagishi, M., et al. (2018), ApJS, ads, paper, arXiv:1801.09205
  2. "Nobeyama 45 m Cygnus-X CO Survey. II. Physical Properties of C18O Clumps"
    Takekoshi, T., et al. (2019), ApJ, ads, paper, arXiv:1907.12776
International conference
  1. "Nobeyama 45m large scale CO survey for Cygnus-X high-mass star-forming region"
    Yamagishi, M., et al. NRO-ALMA Science/Development Workshop 2016, July 20-21 2016 Nobeyama, poster
  2. "Nobeyama 45m large scale CO survey for Cygnus-X high-mass star-forming region"
    Nishimura, A., et al. ALMA/45m/ASTE Users Meeting 2016, December 19-20 2016 Mitaka, poster
  3. "Nobeyama 45-m CO survey for Cygnus-X: possible evidences for formation of DR21 and W75N by cloud-cloud collision"
    Nishimura, A., et al. GALAXY EVOLUTION ACROSS TIME, June 12-16 2017 Paris, ads, poster
  4. "Nobeyama 45m Cygnus-X CO survey: possible evidences for formation of DR21 and W75N by cloud-cloud collision"
    Nishimura, A., et al. NRO45m/ASTE Single Dish Science Workshop 2017, August 1-2 2017 Nobeyama, slide
  5. "Nobeyama 45m Cygnus-X CO survey II: photo-dissociation of molecules revealed by the unbiased large-scale maps"
    Yamagishi, M., et al. NRO45m/ASTE Single Dish Science Workshop 2017, August 1-2 2017 Nobeyama, slide
Domestic conference
  1. "野辺山 45 m Cygnus-X CO サーベイ : 1. DR21/W75N 領域における分子雲衝突による星形成トリガーの可能性"
    西村淳他, 日本天文学会2017年春季年会, Q27a, 2017/3/15-18 九州大学, abstract, slide
  2. "野辺山 45 m Cygnus-X CO サーベイ : 2. C18O core properties"
    竹腰達哉他, 日本天文学会2017年春季年会, Q28b, 2017/3/15-18 九州大学, abstract, slide poster
  3. "野辺山 45 m Cygnus-X CO サーベイ: 3. CNデータから探る分子の光解離反応"
    山岸光義他, 日本天文学会2017年春季年会, Q29b, 2017/3/15-18 九州大学, abstract, slide poster
  4. "Nobeyama 45m Cygnus-X CO survey I: Photo-dissociation of molecules"
    山岸光義他, Nobeyama Science Workshop -令和元年-, 2019/9/4-6 野辺山宇宙電波観測所, slide
  5. "Nobeyama 45m Cygnus-X CO Survey II: physical properties of C18O clumps"
    竹腰達哉他, Nobeyama Science Workshop -令和元年-, 2019/9/4-6 野辺山宇宙電波観測所, slide
  1. Press release: Eggs of stars sleeping in Cygnus region, the largest cradle in Milky (Nov. 21, 2019)
    プレスリリース: 銀河系最大級のゆりかご はくちょう座で見つけた星のたまごたち (2019/11/21)
    野辺山宇宙電波観測所の発表資料, 東京大学の発表資料